Fair Share

A living wage is a human right

A living wage should cover the basic needs of the workers and their families, allow for some savings and must be earned within a 48 hours working week.

Adding as little as 10p to the price of a T-shirt, or 54p to the price of a hoody, will result in a 50% increase in the wages of the poorest workers at our factory in India. Continental Clothing Co, working together with the Fair Fashion Network and BSD Consulting, has implemented a scheme that aims to deliver a LIVING WAGE for the garment workers at its factory in India. 



The first stage of the wage increase came into effect from 1st January 2016 and covers the entire workforce. All garment in the Fair Share collection are made from certified Fairtrade cotton and sourced from Fairtrade producers. The longer-term aim of this project is to reach the full living wage for all workers by covering 100% of the factory’s production within the scheme. 


This objective, however, will depend on the response from the market and the willingness of the retailers and consumers to pay the additional premium. Continental Clothing has committed to fully support the communication and marketing of the scheme in order to achieve a high take up rate for products carrying the premium. The company will also encourage other brands sourcing from the same supply chain to participate in the program.


Want to learn more? Watch Fair Wear Foundations video presenting the Fair Share project in India!